We offer a verieties of AR Tour
in all Cananda cities

Discover the Power of AR Tour Platform:
Unleash Your Creativity, Explore the Marketplace,
and Immerse Yourself in Augmented Reality Experiences.

What make us unique

AR Tour stands out with its unique offering in the travel industry. Users can create personalized AR tours, showcasing their favorite destinations and sharing their stories. The platform empowers users to become creators and contributors, selling their own immersive tours on the marketplace. With the mobile app, users can enjoy interactive augmented reality experiences, guided by an AR character tour guide. AR Tour fosters a global community, promoting cultural exchange and connecting travelers worldwide. Experience the unparalleled flexibility, creativity, and immersion that set AR Tour apart from the rest.

Earn by sharing

With our powerful toolset, users can easily create and design captivating ARtours that showcase their favorite destinations, hidden gems, and personal narratives.

Join our vibrant marketplace

Connectwith like-minded travelers and enthusiasts, and inspire others to embark on unforgettable journeys

Experience the Extraordinary

Uncover the stories, history, and culture of each destination, guided by your own personalized AR character tourguide

The tours shared by travellers

A vibrant community of travel enthusiasts, experts, and storytellers

Park · Vancouver

Stanley Park

Museum · Vancouver

Museum of Anthropology

Aquarium · Vancouver

Vancouver Aquarium

Restaurant · Vancouver

Brioche Urban Eatery

Empowering User-Generated content

Our platform will be able to create AR travel experiences, upload it on the platform and sell it (or offer for free) to potential buyers out there in the market. On the other hand, travelers can browser through the platform via app or web, find tours as per their their needs, pay, and start enjoying the unique experiences.


Your AR assistant

AR Tour's mobile app provides an unparalleled level of immersion and interactivity. Users can enjoy AR tours on their smartphones, where the real world blends seamlessly with digital elements. The AR character tour guide acts as a personal companion, guiding users throughtheir journey, providing informative and engaging content,and bringing destinations to life in a captivating way.

Device model

IOS/ Android


Light & Dark


English/ French